Mr Musharraf is facing treason charges in Pakistan for imposing emergency rule in November 2007, arresting judges and limiting their powers.Karachi: Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said Pakistan armys ex- chief General Raheel Sharifs intervention helped him in exiting Pakistan, indicating the powerful influence wielded by the military in the countrys affairs."Well he (Raheel Sharif) did help me. Army has played a prominent role in the governance of Pakistan, partially, because, or mainly printed velvet china Manufacturers because of mis-governance by all of the so-called democratically elected governments," the former Pakistani President said. Besides, he is also being tried in murder cases of former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto, Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti and Ghazi Abdul Rasheed, who was killed during the operation on Lal Masjid in Islamabad which was carried out on the orders of Mr Musharraf.Mr Musharraf was able to fly out of Pakistan in March 2016 after the interior ministry issued a notification to remove his name from the ECL, following the Pakistani Supreme Courts order to lift the ban on his foreign travel.The statement came weeks after Raheel Sharif retired in November after completing his three-year tenure."Mr Musharraf alleged that Pakistani courts give decisions under pressure "behind the scenes" and this pressure was relieved by Mr Sharif with an "influencing" role.

When asked to explain, Musharraf, 73, said General Sharif played a role in "releasing the pressure" on courts to prevent him from leaving the country. He was succeeded by Qamar Javed Bajwa. I have been his boss and I have been the Army Chief before him."Army has always had a role since our independence.Mr Musharraf said, "Behind the scenes, the army chief had a role to release that pressure by dealing with the government. He helped out, because the cases are politicised, they put me on the Exit Control List (ECL), they turned it into a political issue," he said.Participating in a talk show on Dunya News on Monday night, Musharraf said Raheel Sharif helped him leave the country by keeping the government from pressuring the courts..Earlier in 2016, in a separate interview to The Atlantic in Washington DC, Musharraf had said that Pakistani social fabric was not conducive for democracy.""Once he (Sharif) got the government to relieve the pressure that they were exerting, the courts gave their judgement and allowed me to go abroad for treatment.But the order from the court had also said that the federal government or the three-judge special court trying the retired general for treason was free to make decisions to regulate his custody or restrict his movement.


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